Summer Development Series – Round 1 Entries Open

OMCC are back with a series of development days aimed at getting OMCC members into more formal competition and give existing riders a chance to develop their skills further.

For New riders:

There is no better place to learn trials than trying a to ride a section set by someone else. White arrows (T5) and Blue arrows (T4) are typically where most people start. It’s a great learning opportunity to know what you need to practice when you come to back to the club.

Buddies can be assigned to help with section reading, rules, and general competition orientation.

For Previously Non-Competitive Riders:

Without the formality and expense of getting a competitive license, come and try trials in a competitive format in the familiarity of the OMCC club grounds. It will be a good opportunity to see if competing is for you before having to commit to the expenses of a licence etc. Even if that doesn’t eventuate, most riders take away a lot of learnings from riding a in a section set by someone else so there often a win-win either way.

Buddies can be assigned to help with section reading, rules, and general competition orientation.

Competitive Riders:

You know already what this is about…come and ride when there are no typically scheduled trials for a bit of a laugh and fun in a very relaxed atmosphere. Feel free to push yourself and try a higher grade? Or bring out the Twinshocks for something different? Lets have some fun and keep things interesting!

Please understand however that the focus is to get new people competing so please be supportive to the newer riders.

Who is this open to:

OMCC Annual Members

OMCC Day Members ($20)


Saturday 9th December

Saturday 20th January

Saturday 10th February


Gates open: 12:00 midday

Rider Briefing: 1pm

Start: 1:15pm

BBQ: From 4-6pm

Finish: 6pm


T6No arrows; just get from start to end gates and stay between the boundary tape. This is where riders with no riding experience (e.g. juniors) typically start.
T5White Arrows; medium to tight turns, and mostly obstacle free. This is where beginner riders should start.
T4Blue Arrows; tight turns with obstacles ranging in size from axle height to wheel height
T4+Blue arrows with a + mark; very tight turns but shouldn’t need to hop and wheel height obstacles
T3Yellow Arrows; hopping required to make turns, waist height obstacles with very little run up. We will offer the occasional ‘red’ arrow for those keen to push themselves.


Individual $35

Family $50

BBQ included in entry fee (from 4pm)


Buddy system (you ride with a partner who will validate your scores)

Scores will be tallied to monitor improvement over the series.

Entry Links for Round 1:

Step 1: Enter on Google Forms here:

Step 2: Make payment here:

PLEASE NOTE: Entry is not complete unless forms is submitted and payment is made.

What’s happening at OMCC – November 2023

Great OMCC representation at the Aussie Titles

OMCC was well represented at the South Australia Trials week with 14 competitors. Starting with the South Australian State Titles, a mid-week Wednesday trial and the culminating in the Australia Titles on the final weekend it made it a great opportunity to get away and switch off. For anyone thinking about travelling interstate for trials events…do it. It’s a lot of fun.

The Vine Inn 2023 Australian Trial Championship at Eden Valley, hosted by Keyneton Motorcycle Club, was a warm weather event that reached 33 degrees on Saturday, cooler conditions on Sunday set the scene for a great outing among competitors.

Sections felt significantly harder than usual which seems to be par for ‘Aussies’. The State titles were more more of the usual standard.

Well done to our podium finishers:

Continue reading “What’s happening at OMCC – November 2023”

JETS Training 17 September 2023


Juniors Training & Mini Trial


We had our first group Kids (U16) Training Session after reuniting with Motorcycling Australia (MA) and what a great spell of weather we had. This training is free to members and others are welcome to join in by becoming day members.

We had two Official MA coaches Justin & Stan which allows us to supply training for competition licences. The day began with several hours of training including Zachary who is an Expert rider putting in to help develop a new batch of riders and pushing some of the more advanced juniors. After a small break a mini trial was conducted with the help of the parents.  Juniors are showing some great progress!

Thanks to Justin, Rocky and Steve for their help with the sections, John B for the loan of his 80cc bike and for taking some great photos.

Janina served up a lovely BBQ lunch. Then we had our certificate presentations. See OMCC Facebook for more photos. Younger kids followed clues around the property to locate the hidden loot of lollies to end off the fun morning.


Sub Juniors: First Toby Harris, Second Nelson Harris and Third Janet Harris a clean sweep for the Harris family.

Juniors: First Harry Moore, Second Indi Natale and Third Oscar Siani.

Congratulations to Oscar Siani who gained his MA Licence through this training.

We have several kids bikes available for test rides.

Interested in your kids trying out trials? Or need to get a junior licence?

Email Stan-: mularczyk@outlook 

What’s happening at OMCC – August 2023

VTS Done

On Sunday 23rd July OMCC hosted the 5th and final round of the 2023 Victorian Trials Series. It was another great trial at one of our favourite properties. We hosted roughly 70 entrants on the banks of the Barwon River. The OMCC team pulled together and had roughly 14 Section setters which made light work of the prep as well as a hardy and cheerful group of volunteer observer and event officials, scorers etc.

It was awesome to see Benny & Noel doing the TdN fundraiser BBQ and thank you to those who supported it.

OMCC sincerely thanks all those who were involved and work across this and the other rounds to make the VTS a great success.

Congratulations to all OMCC riders who placed in this round and across the series. Trophies will be handed out at the Vic Titles in August.

Kids Training

OMCC is happy to announce that we now have two Motorcycling Australia Club Coaches.

This means that we can now do our own juniors KICK START training to help kids on their way to a Competition Licence.

Now that we are affiliated with Motorcycling Australia the requirement for a junior’s competition licence is as follows:

Continue reading “What’s happening at OMCC – August 2023”

What’s happening at OMCC – July 2023


  • Working bee – A job well done!
  • Victorian Trial Series Round 3 – Wrap up.
  • Victorian Trial Series Round 5 – Winchelsea next up.
  • Chris Bayles Training at OMCC – July 29-30th
  • Kids Training.
  • Uniting Trials in Australia — “Motorcycle Trials Australia” Proposal
  • TdN Donation and supporting the 2023 TdN Campaign.

[5 Min read]

Working bee – A job well done!

On Sunday 28th May we had a good turnout of our hard-working club members who came along to spruce up the club grounds and get us ready for the trial. Despite some less-than-ideal weather, there was heaps of rubble collected and whipper-snipping done to get the place looking great. There was also section setting gear cleaned, clubrooms tidied, and toilets cleaned.

The working bee continued into the Monday with Derek, Ian M and Rocky coming down to help clear Simpson Rd shrubbery that was over growing!

Checkout OMCC Facebook page for photos.

Victorian Trial Series Round 3 – Wrap up

OMCC hosted the 3rd round of the VTS series. As part of the reaffiliation with MV, OMCC are now combining forces with Ballarat Rovers and Trials Club of Victoria in running the 5 round series.

The club grounds hosted 12 wonderful sections and after canvassing a wide range of riders across various grades and abilities there was consistent feedback that we had set everything about right with sufficient variety. There are always learning opportunities that we will take away and improve on.

Continue reading “What’s happening at OMCC – July 2023”



OMCC held its AGM on the 4th May 2023. Thanks to those who turned up and for those who couldn’t that submitted their forms. Changing membership fees can be a sensitive topic and so getting as broad as possible feedback from our members is appreciated. 

We are pleased to announce the new fee structure that will pay for the new insurance scheme has been resoundingly supported by members. Updates on the execution of the new insurance scheme will follow as soon as we have news. 

As a way to reduce the impact of the increase, it was decided to alter our membership renewal date to the 1st March each year (Was 1st Jan). 

As a result, for the 2023 year there is only 10 months left and so although the 12 month membership fees are $250, we will pro-rata the first year as follows:

5th May 2023 – 28th Feb 2024: $200 (metro) / $100 (non-metro)

1st March 2024 – 28th Feb 2025: $250 (metro) / $125 (non-metro)

Day membership will be $20 going forward.

Memberships are now open to be renewed. Please visit the club website here:

With the AGM we also voted in the new committee, and so I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new members and farewell some loyal servants of the club.

Committee Members Departing:Committee Members Added:
Greg Chalmers (Treasurer)
Peter Wines
Zac Mularczyk
John Barlow
Steve Carter
Janina Gorski

To Greg Chalmers (Treasurer) and Peter Wines (Former President) who have left the committee, thank you for your loyal service over such an extended period of time; words won’t do justice to the contributions you have made but trust that you won’t be forgotten and the club is in a better place for your efforts.

The OMCC committee is now comprised of:

  • Peter Spencer (President)
  • Simon Watts (Secretary)
  • Matt Kerr (Treasurer) 
  • David Grice (Vice President)
  • Chris Grubb (Membership Secretary)
  • John Wilson (Groundskeeper)
  • Craig Genner (Assistant Groundskeeper)
  • Janina Gorski (Communications Officer)
  • Stan Mularczyk (General Committee)
  • John Barlow (General Committee)
  • Steve Carter (General Committee)
  • Reece Chalmers (General Committee)

A word from David Grice, departing president:

Thanks to all who supported me during my time as club president, and the two years prior to that as Secretary. Over the last 3 years we have dealt with COVID as well as Insurance issues; it has been a rather intense time to be involved with the management of the club. My focus needs to be elsewhere for the immediate future so I am taking a step back to Vice President but am committed to staying involved and supporting the momentum we have built up as a club. There are some exciting opportunities ahead for the club that I would like to ensure get delivered. I’d like to extend a massive thanks to Peter Spencer who has been an invaluable support to me over the last year while dealing with the Insurance issues. I’m confident we will be in good hands. 

A word from Peter Spencer, incoming president:

I wish to put forward a huge thank you to David Grice, what a huge and tireless effort he has done over the last 3+ years we all should be grateful and thankful, keeping this club open through a once in a 100 year pandemic and all the insurance challengers are just a couple of the countless things that David has done for the club, good news is that David is intending to remain on the committee and has some exciting projects planned.  

Also the efforts from Greg Chalmers, Greg is someone who has volunteered his time and just been there ready to help over the years and always been supporting the club, Greg intends to be a very active member of the club in the future.  

A big thanks also goes to the departing committee members and to the club members who have volunteered to be committee members and giving up their valuable time. 

A special thanks goes to the long term committee members who are once again prepared to give up their time to make this club successful 

Moving forward, I think we all need to appreciate the special club and facilities that we have and look forward to the next year. 


Peter Spencer

MV Affiliation and procedure to get licenses


It’s official. OMCC are now affiliated with MV. This will allow you to get your competition licenses with OMCC as your registered club.

For those of you who are new to competing under the MA/MV arrangements and want to compete in upcoming VTS series starting at Ravenswood on Sunday 30th you will need to do the following:

  1. Create a Ridernet profile here:
  2. Email OMCC [email protected] and provide your:
    • Ridernet ID (6 digit code)
    • Date of birth
    • Surname
  3. We will add you as an OMCC member on the backend of the Ridernet system. You will get an email back saying “Club Registration Approved”. IMPORTANT: ignore the part where it asks you to pay for membership. This is a default and we can’t change it.
  4. You can then get your MV license now your profile is registered against a MV affiliated club. For trials, if that is all you are doing, you will need a Senior Restricted Licenses (Adults) or Junior Restricted License (Up to 16 Yrs).
    In the Ridernet system look for your name on the top right, and:
    • Select My Profile
    • Select Licenses
    • Add a License
    • Riding License
    • And choose the license appropriate to you and follow the rest of the steps.
  5. Once you have your license, you can enter the event here:
  6. Remember to have your license ready on the day as it does get checked at sign-on (PDF/screen shot of it on your phone is fine).

Good luck!


Hello Members,

We apologise for the extended delay that has occurred whilst we have been in negotiations with our various governing bodies.

2023 got off to a shaky start for a lot of motorcycling clubs in Australia, including OMCC. This presented a number of challenges that the committee has been working hard on behind the scenes to address.

The good news is that we have finally landed on a workable solution that will allow us to continue both competition and social riding at OMCC. Competition events will be run under Motorcycling Australia, and social riding days at the club ground will be covered by our ARMA affiliation.

Our AGM has been delayed by a few months, and is now scheduled for 7:00pm on Thursday 4th May, 2023. It will be held at the club grounds, 1 Simpson St Clayton South. All current members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Please treat this as an official notice of the AGM.

In addition to the normal AGM business, the club is proposing a fee increase that needs to be voted on. This is primarily due to our re-affiliation with MA, which comes at a higher cost than the previous AMA affiliation.

To cover these increased insurance costs and ensure the club remains in a viable financial position, the proposed increases are:

  • Standard Adult/Family Membership:
    Increase from $160 to $250 (includes adult, spouse and U18 family members)
  • Non-Metro Melbourne Adult/Family Membership:
    Increase from $80 to $125 (includes adult, spouse and U18 family members for those that reside outside of Metro Melbourne)
  • Day Membership
    No increase, remains at $15

This fee increase provides a more robust insurance option through Motorcycling Australia which are less likely to disappear on us the way AMA did. As this will secure the clubs insurance position, we strongly encourage members to vote in favour of the fee structure change. The club has worked exceptionally hard to secure a solution that avoids the ‘per ride’ charges you often see with other disciplines like MX, which would see members charged significantly more. Also when compared to other sports, we feel this is a very economical option.

The AGM is an important event for OMCC. It gives its members a broad overview of the club’s current directions, financial health and confirms its purpose. It is also the time to revitalise the organisation through the official engagement of members into key elected positions.

We encourage as many members as possible to get down, and if you are able, get involved in the running of the club. It will be in-person only and there will be no on-line options. If you are unable to attend you can delegate your vote to a proxy.

In terms of sequence, we will have the AGM and then assuming the above fees are ratified by members we send our membership renewals. We also have a bit of pent up demand for new members that we have been holding at bay while all this has been going on. 

Big things are happening at OMCC, and this can’t be done without passionate and enthusiastic volunteers.

OMCC AGM Details:

WhenThursday, 4th May 2023
WhereOMCC Club Grounds: 1 Simpson Rd, Clayton South, Vic, 3169

OMCC ‘Welcome Back’ Fun & Training Day

We missed you all during our unplanned absence over the insurance issues. As a thank you to our loyal members the club is putting on a training day and BBQ for members.

What: Adult & Juniors Training + BBQ lunch

Who: For ALL Adults and Kids

Where: OMCC Club Ground, 1 Simpsons Road, Clayton South

When: 19th March 2023, Start time is 10.00am

How Much: Training & BBQ is Free to members.

Training will start with a briefing at the Club House, and then followed by several practice sections and kids fun activities. We will have several groups of different levels and training from beginners to A grade. Everyone is welcome. Just come for the BBQ if you don’t require training.

New and day members welcome by appointment (conditions apply).

To help with catering please fill in the google form by using the link below to register.

We hope to see you all there!

Glenmaggie 2023 Easter trial cancelled

Hello all,

Due to OMCCs current situation with insurance, we are still unable to run competitions. We continue to work with the governing bodies to sort this out however the pace is very slow and has not left us with enough runway to be certain about its resolution before we must commit to the Easter Trial.

After having over 100 riders at a trial in the 2022 Glenmaggie Easter trial we do appreciate there would have been some interest. Apologies to those disrupted by this however we wanted to leave people with enough notice to make alternative arrangements for Easter.

We have explored with the landowners the potential to run a two-day event at Glenmaggie later in the year and will update you if this happens. It is expected that OMCCs running of the Glenmaggie Easter trial will return in 2024.

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