AGM Wrap up, Awards & New Life Member

Hello OMCC Members,

The AGM was held Sunday, and before we go into the new committee we would like to thank our outgoing president Peter Wines for his remarkable effort to help the club over the turmoil of the last two years. We are fortunate to have Peter willing to stay on as a general committee member so he will remain connected with the club, and his 15 years of service on the committee continues. Thank you Peter.

We are proud to announce Greg Chalmers was nominated as OMCC’s newest Life Member. Greg has worked tirelessly over the years since joining the club in a range of capacities. On top of his work on the committee he has been essential at running trials events including the Vic Titles, getting qualified as a Level 3 coach and official, and working on one event that required 5 weekends worth of effort to clear and prep prior to running a trial! Congratulations Greg.

Due to a reduced season, the committee nominated to do a reduced set of awards; congratulations to our award winners:

  • Mark Beechey Award (Highest Total Points in a season): Reece Chalmers
  • Most Improved Award: Simon Watts
    • An honourable mention on most improved goes to Matt Kerr who’s improvement this year has also been impressive.
  • Encouragement Award: John Kontsellis
  • President’s Award: Stan Mularczyk

We are pleased to announce our new committee which is as follows:

  • President: David Grice
  • Vice President: Peter Spencer
  • Secretary: Simon Watts
  • Assistant Secretary: Matt Kerr
  • Treasurer: Greg Chalmers
  • Ground Supervisor: John Wilson
  • Assistant Ground Supervisor: Craig Genner
  • General committee: Reece Chalmers, Peter Wines, Stan Mularzyk, Zac Mularczyk & Chris Grubb.

There are some departures as a result of the new changes and we would like to extend a big thank you to Grant Philips, Justin Stone Steven Carter and Les Pattinson for their efforts over the last year.

The club is very lucky to have such a supportive group of volunteers who are working to make the club a better place.

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