Year end wrap up, Key dates inc. AGM & call for volunteers

Hello members,

As the year winds down, we wanted to take a moment to ensure you keep some key dates in mind and reflect on the accomplishments of the last year.

Some of the key achievements in the last year include:

  • The club has set an annual membership record, and on top of that we have had 84 day members
  • Had 1500+ sign-ins via the QR codes which would have been even more if it weren’t for lockdown. It’s great to see the club getting so much use.
  • Secured new trial property at Scarsdale (trial cancelled due to lockdown…there is always next year!)
  • Record attendance at working bee…it’s great to see so many active volunteers amongst the club
  • Repainted the club rooms
  • Installed new lighting in the club room
  • Installed new furniture in the club rooms
  • Club room clear out
  • Continued ground works, with more planned (waiting on soil)
  • Drainage and flooding issues appear to be resolved with the works on the adjacent hill complete and grass growing in
  • Finalised last year’s summer series which was a roaring success
  • Got ~20 people competing in trials for the very first time
  • Ran Glenmaggie, and two winter series rounds
  • Added flexibility to opening hours…Early start on some Thursdays, Melb Cup public holiday, Tuesdays via arrangement.
  • Ran a well received training day (more to follow next year)
  • Navigated the various government COVID mandates and lockdowns
  • Navigated the loss of MV dual affiliation
  • In response to member feedback we have created a dedicated club WhatsApp group

We look forward to another big year at OMCC and there are plenty of plans to further improve the club, and club grounds, update the kitchen, as well as a simpler membership renewal process and sign on procedure (less fields, remove the need for your AMA expiry date etc). We also aim to continue offering opening hours flexibility however this is also subject to supervisor availability so if you are able to help be a grounds supervisor more details are below on how to get involved. 

AGM 12th Dec

As per the clubs calendar we will be having our annual general meeting, BBQ and presentation day on Sunday 12th December. There will be a BBQ lunch and the AGM at 1pm. 

Our long serving president Peter Wines will be standing down as his recent move to regional victoria will not allow him to continue in the role. Peter’s efforts over the years are immense having led the charge on so many items, his extensive years on the committee as treasurer, having been president over the last two very disruptive years with COVID & Lockdowns, and forgoing his ride on numerous occasions to ensure the Glenmaggie trials have been a showpiece event for the club. So much work goes on behind the scenes, it’s fair to say we can only scratch the surface on Peter’s overall support of the club. It would be a fantastic occasion for all members to come down and thank Peter for his efforts and make sure he gets a sign-off worthy of his dedication to OMCC.

There will also need to be the voting in of a new committee and the AGM is an opportunity for members to set the direction of the club.

Round 2 of the Summer Series 18th Dec

Saturday 18th will be round 2 of the OMCC Summer Series. The current long range forecast suggests it will more closely resemble summer, as opposed with the winter conditions that plagued Round 1. That said, round 1 was a great event to get everyone riding again post lockdown. Let’s see if we can beat the previous Summer Series for attendance!!!!!

STR Breakup 5th December

We would also ask all members to support the Southern Trials Riders in their end of year breakup on Sunday 5th of December at Woodleigh. Entries will be opening via shortly. Woodleigh is an awesome property, and there are likely to be prizes and give-aways for those who turn up. 

Volunteers Wanted

OMCC are a volunteer run organisation, and in order to be successful we need a broad array of volunteers to help keep the club running. While OMCC would like to recognise the efforts of our loyal volunteers that have been so active over the last few years, we also need to broaden the base of volunteers so we don’t burn people out. Even if you are fairly new to the club, we would welcome your help. 

If you are able to help in any of the following ways, please let the club know:

– Section Setters (no experience necessary, we will pair you up with more experienced people)

– Grounds Supervisors (cheaper membership, required to open the club grounds 4 times per year)

– Coaching newer riders

– Observers at trials

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