Hello OMCC Members,
Most of you should be familiar with our QR code process at signon.
We have decided to make some tweaks to it, to include the expiration date of your AMA Membership. For those that have entered the summer series, you will already have this information as it was required at entry, but for those that dont please make sure you get it as it’s now a mandatory field at sign on for practice as well (see image below). The QR code hasn’t changed, and this is effective immediately.
The club has introduced a policy that your AMA membership card (digital is fine) must be able to be presented to a grounds supervisor on request. So we encourage all members to take a screenshot or download of your membership card and keep a copy with you. It has your expiration date on it as well which is needed for sign on.
To do this:
- Go to: https://amaclubs.com.au/
- Login
- Membership Menu
- Members Area
- Member Cards
- Download your member card (pdf format)
- Save it to you phone so you can present it when asked by a club official or grounds supervisor
It is your responsibility to ensure you are riding with adequate coverage under the AMA, however the club has plans to spot check riders from time to time.