The FIM Trials Des Nations is the annual competition whereby national teams of three male and female representatives from each country have a chance to compete in front of world trial stage. It has been held annually since 1984 in different countries across the globe and this year will be heading to Solokov, the Czech Republic in September.
Last year our male team headed by Kyle Middleton, Chris Bayles and Conner Hogan took out first place in the international class. This was a huge moment for trials in Australia and demonstrating that we can keep up with other countries like America and the Czech Republic.
Our Female Team consisted of Sophie Kraft, Sarah Chivers and Nicole Casey coming in a respectable 8th place at the end of the competition.
This year, Australia will be heading over once again, to hopefully replicate last years results.
Competing in the TDN is very expensive, with travel, entry and purchasing of new bikes really adding up, with a lot of the riders self-funding this trip.
Hence, like in previous years, Trials clubs around Australia will be fundraising to help cover the costs of the event.
Victoria’s Trials Des Nations Fund Raiser Trial will be taking place 6th May at Emu Flat (Nulla Vale).
We are pleased to announce that Motorcycling Victoria is waving it permits fee and rider levy so all the money raised will go to this year’s TDN team.
There will be medallions given out for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placegetters.
Not only you will be supporting the team but it will be a great days riding with your mates on this great property.You will be teaming up with another rider and observe each other along the way.
Anybody that can help with section setting on Saturday would be greatly appreciated, camping available Saturday night.
You can enter online here, you can also find the supp regs with all the info about the event – ENTER ONLINE
We hope to see you all there