Victorian Titles 2013 – Mt. Bolton

Above fields of vibrant yellow canola and thick tree plantations, the sound of trials bikes being challenged by the terrain of the natural landscape and the shouts of, ‘SECTION!!’ made for a wonderful atmosphere.

The Victorian Titles, held at Mt. Bolton on the weekend of the 28th/29th of September were a success. Riders from all over Australia gathered at the fantastic Mt. Bolton site, located just out of Learmonth in Victoria, to compete.


By Saturday morning, the campsite was a healthy-looking size, although many people did not stay on-site during the night:

Over the weekend, riders completed 80 sections (4 rounds of 10 sections each day) and worked hard to utilise skills obtained through-out the year.

On Saturday night, competitors and families gathered around the large fire that was lit:


Thank-you to Denis Fitzpatrick and the BRMCC for hosting a trial with such hospitality and style and to all the section-setters, observers, minders, spectators, competitors and the ladies who worked in the ‘tent’ calculating scores.

Through-out the event, Trent and the Trials Experience crew were on-site, assisting competitors with mechanical issues and selling a wide range of items, including bikes.


The Victorian Titles made for an exciting warm-up to the National Titles (the ‘Aussies’) , to be held on the 5th and 6th of October at Sedgwick in Victoria.
More information about this major event can be found here.

Download results in PDF format (1670_2013-Victorian-Mototrials-Championships).

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