Working Bee & Presentation Day

Hello Members…Working bee this Sunday. Members are expected to attend 2 of the 3 working bees.

Normal format is a working bee in the morning from 10am-12:30pm, a BBQ lunch, and then a ride in the afternoon.

Please Bring:

Whipper Snipper
A Wheel Barrow (if it’s not a big inconvenience…only need a few)
Gardening shears
Gardening gloves
Chisel/Paint scrapers
Staple removers

Focus of the working bee:

Trim the long glass
Spray weeds
Pick up glass/debris from grounds
Clean section setting gear (remove silicon/staples)
Organise the section setting gear into separate backpacks
Prune overhanging branches around the fence


Mar 20 2022


10:00 am - 12:30 pm



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